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Noni Powder

Noni Powder

Regular price $ 3.25 USD
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Health Benefits: This herb has been known to contain powerful antioxidants that support the immune system, improve digestion, alleviate constipation, reduce inflammation, aid in joint & muscle health and has been used for wound healing skincare. 

Quick Facts: Morinda Citrifolia is a small evergreen tree in the coffee family with large, shiny, dark-green leaves. It produced small, white flowers that develop into bumpy, yellow-green fruit. Native to southeast Asia, noni is now naturalized in tropical climates worldwide. The tree bark is used as red dye, and the root is used as yellow dye in traditional practices. Unlike other fruits, the noni has no "season", so it can be harvested every month from the same tree. 

Folklore: The noni fruit has been used for over 2000 years by the southeast Asian, Indian, and Polynesian people. The first western documentation was in the late 18th century. Noni was mentioned in Ayurvedic texts will over 1000 years ago as Ashyuka, which means longevity, and was used as a balancing agent.

Please consult with a physician before using any herb for medicinal purposes. 

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