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Uptown On Main



Regular price $ 2.50 USD
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Health Benefits: This herb has been a go-to for a millennium. This herb has anti-inflammatory & antifungal properties. It has been known to assist in indigestions, relieve gas & bloating, aid in dream recollection, and enhance vivid dreaming. It also promotes regulating women's menstrual cycles and alleviate cramps. 

Quick Facts: Artemisia Vulgaris is an aromatic plant that grows along creek banks and waysides and a common plant along with British isles. This member of the Asteraceae family is known for the silvery shine underneath its leaves. 

History/Folklore: This botanical name is derived from the Artemis, the Greek goddess of the hunt, fertility, and the forests & hills. Roman soldiers were known to put mugwort in their sandals to keep their feet from getting tired. It has been believed that John the Baptist wore a girdle of mugwort in the wilderness for protection and some Native American folklore claims that rubbing the leaves on the body will keep ghosts away and that a necklace of mugwort will help protect against dreaming about the dead. Other magical attributes include protection for read weary travelers, and general protection against the evils of the spirit realms. 

Please consult with a physician before using any herb for medicinal benefits. 

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