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Uptown On Main

Lovage Root, 0.5oz

Lovage Root, 0.5oz

Regular price $ 6.99 USD
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Health Benefits: This herb has anti-inflammatory & antioxidant properties. It has been known to provide benefits in the realm of kidney health and can act as a natural diuretic to promote kidney function. It can also aid in digestive support. 

Quick Facts: Levisticum Officinale is a perennial member of the Apiacease family with aromatics resembling strong celery. The herb is sweeter but stronger than celery. Lovage has a long history of cultivation in Europe where leaves and seeds were used as a spice. The thick, fleshy, carrot-shaped lovage root was often prepared as a vegetable and used for its beneficial qualities. Brought from Europe as both a food an as a medicinal, it now grows wild in the United States in New England, the Great Lake States, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico.

Folklore: For centuries, it has been thought of as a good ingredient to add to love potions. Charlemagne was said to have liked the sight of lovage so much so that he had the grounds of his estate populated with it. 

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