Dandelion Root, raw 0.8oz
Dandelion Root, raw 0.8oz
Health Benefits: Dandelion root is rich in vitamins A, B, C, potassium, and iron. It has been known to act as a detoxifier to promote liver health, reduce inflammation with its antioxidant properties, support digestion, relieve constipation and help remove excess water & toxins from the body.
Quick Facts: Taraxacum officinale is native to Europe and Asia but has spread worldwide, thriving in temperate climates. It’s believed that the plant has been used for its medicinal properties for over a thousand years. The name "Taraxacum" likely comes from the Greek word taraxos (disorder) and akos (remedy), hinting at its use in ancient medicine.
Folklore: Dandelions, known for their ability to thrive in even the harshest environments, symbolize strength, perseverance, and the ability to overcome challenges. This resilience is reflected in folklore, where dandelion root was believed to give those who used it enhanced stamina and endurance, both physically and spiritually. The dandelion is often associated with wish-making. While this is more commonly tied to the seed head, some traditions link the root as well. In certain European folk practices, it was believed that digging up a dandelion root while making a wish could help the wish come true. This practice connected the plant’s deep roots with grounding and manifesting desires into reality.